Sculpted Light in the Brain

June 26th to 28th, 2022

Hosted at Boston University Photonics Center
8 St. Mary’s Street, Boston, MA

Presented by Bruker

Registration is now open!

Join us June 26 – 28 at the Boston University Photonics Center. Conference will start at Noon on June 26th and end 7pm June 28th.

Lodging: A limited number of Hotel rooms are being provided for conference attendees at BU. Room reservation does not include conference registration, and is not managed by SLB.

Click here to reserve a room



12:00 pmRegistration / Coffee
13:10 pmWelcome Address
13:20 pmKeynote:
Genia Kozorovitskiy
14:00 pmSpencer Smith
14:30 pmNa Ji
15:00 pmSponsor Talk: Kavli Foundation
15:20 pmPoster Session / Reception


8:30 amWelcome Coffee
9:00 amChris Harvey
9:30 amLuis Carillo-Reid
10:00 amSelected Talk: Marcus Triplett
10:20 amCoffee Break
10:50 amShy Shoham
11:20 amDenise Cai
11:50 amSponsor Talk: Bruker
12:10 pmLunch
13:40 pmLaura Waller
14:10 pmRikky Muller
14:40 pm Selected Talk: Diptodip Deb
15:00 pmSelected Talk: Vincent Curtis
15:20 pm Poster Session / Reception


8:30 amWelcome Coffee
9:00 amKeynote:
Karl Deisseroth
9:40 amHillel Adesnik
10:10 am Selected Talk: Maryse Thomas
10:30 amCoffee Break
11:00 amAdam Packer
11:30 amSelected Talk: Mark Histed
11:50 amSponsor Talk: Science Inc.
12:10 pmLunch
13:40 pmAdam Cohen
14:10 pmAhmed Abdelfattah
14:40 pmSelected Talk: Cécile Telliez
15:00 pmCoffee Break
15:30 pmJerome Mertz
16:00 pmEirini Papagiakoumou
16:30 pmClosing Remarks



Sculpted Light in the Brain is a recurring conference (founded in 2017) aimed at fostering collaborations between neuroscientists, computer scientists, optics researchers, and other scientists who share the common interest of using and developing novel technologies to observe and control neural activity in the awake, behaving brain. “Sculpted Light” refers to a broad class of methods where light is shaped to probe neural function.

This meeting aims to promote future collaboration opportunities by gathering established scientists and the next generation of researchers from these fields to discuss future technologies that will enable real time optical communication with the living brain.


Ahmed Abdelfattah

Brown University

Hillel Adesnik

UC Berkeley

Denise Cai

Mount Sinai

Adam Cohen

Harvard University

Karl Deisseroth

Stanford University

Eirini Papagiakoumou

Institut de la vision, Paris

Laura Waller

UC Berkeley

Chris Harvey

Harvard University

Na Ji

UC Berkeley

Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy

Northwestern University

Jerome Mertz

Boston University

Rikky Muller

UC Berkeley

Adam Packer

Oxford University

Shy Shoham

New York University

Spencer Smith

UC Santa Barbara

Luis Carrillo-Reid

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Virtual Series

This first ever Sculpted Light in the Brain Online Series will provide short talks, lab tours, and other peaks into the labs and work of our SLB friends.



Lamiae Abdeladim
University of California, Berkeley

I-Wen Chen
Institut de la Vision, Paris

Linlin Fan
Stanford University

Ian Antón Oldenburg
University of California, Berkeley

Eirini Papagiakoumou
Institut de la Vision, Paris

Nicolas Pégard
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

SLB 2022

A three-day conference in Boston, MA in the Summer of 2022. Please read our code of conduct.

SLB Board

Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy
Alan Mardinly
Ian Antón Oldenburg
Adam Packer
Eirini Papagiakoumou
Nicolas Pégard


Sculpted Light in the Brain 2022 is put on by SLBA,  a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit corporation. If you’re interested in sponsoring this or future Sculpted Light Meetings, contact us at

View our past conferences: SLB 2019  |  SLB 2017